Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jon's Latest Idiocy...Jon asking HN if Iowa is a Top Ten National Program

Eight years may sound like an odd time frame with which to evaluate ones place in the college football hierarchy - Jonathan Boy Miller
No, doesn't it sounds like your typical homer self that would conveniently want leave out 2000 and 2001. In a year where you yourself, and multiple other media outlets, have been analyzing the suddenly have a paradigm shift and want to cut two years out for your convenience. Nice, Jon....very nice.

...and two, it will come out favorably for the Hawks.
 Um, yeah it least you're being "honest" about it (note: that makes it OK, right Jon). Because otherwise it's deceptively NOT obvious you're being your normal homeristic self.

Iowa has the 15th best winning percentage in all of football, and the 12th best winning percentage of teams from BCS conferences.
 Neither one of those are Top Ten, are they Jon?

All time, there are about 15 schools that you can lump into a discussion and Iowa is not one of those schools.
 Yet just watch me continually insinuate otherwise despite providing you all the evidence contradictory to the fact anyway.

But over the last eight years, when you take into consideration conference championships and now a BCS bowl win, the Hawks are 12th from BCS conferences in winning percentages, can we argue they have been a Top Ten program over the past eight years, which is 80% of a decade?
 Why not? Of course we can, Jon! This what the average message board poster dunderhead fan does. Conjure up ridiculous twists of the facts to feel better about their team. I know, I're a paid professional with 'inside' sources, we have no reason to expect more.

If you would like to run some of your own calculations you can do so at this great college football resource:
 No, no...that's alright, I will take your word oh Grand Iowa Homer of Objectivity that the Hawkeyes are indeed...a Top Ten National Program of the past...Octade.


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