First off, it's hilarious...Jon is so ridiculously hyper-sensitive about being called a liar that if you even breathe the word without calling him one he gets his panties in a bunch...let's see:
In the above post, Jon calls the OP on the carpet for calling him a liar, but what was really said?
per TOS. Heard he was on the radio show with Miller then when he got off, Jon proceded to call him a liar. Just wanted some clarification on this. I did not hear the radio program, just wanted to know what was really said.
Oh, that makes sense, what the OP was relaying was the fact that he heard, per TOS, that Jon did this...and was simply looking for clarification.
Nice, Jon, you liar...oh wait, is there more Jon hypersensitivity on this subject? Let's see...
Here is supposedly the original link provided by another on of Jon's underling homers:
Jon states:
Cool. Some anonymous guy named Jeebus posted that, then later admitted that I didn't use the word liar. thanks for finding the link. End of story
Um, Jon...first off, not even Jeebus called you a liar here is Jeebus' comment:
I heard Gautier on Jon Miller yesterday. Jon ended the interview and then proceeded to imply that Gautier was a liar.
Jon, you DO know what imply means? It means he didn't CALL you a means he took your obvious, well documented disagreement with Gautier's position being at all altruistic to mean that you're basically insinuating, implying or indirectly state that Gautier...which you DID.
Jon you lied about the original poster calling you a liar. You owe him an apology. You know how much you hate that.
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