Friday, December 11, 2009

Jon's words of projection

I just think some people are either amazingly insecure, or rabble rousers. - Head Priestess Jon Miller
 I am trying to decide if there is anyone that is more guilty of insecurity and rabble-rousing. I don't think so...I mean, if you want to see the picture of insecurity, look no further than Jonny Miller. Mr. ILikeToWhineAboutMessageBoardPostersOnMyShow. Let me count thy ways...

- Constant whining about message board posters, check
- Locks down threads to bury them so as to not damage his image or disrupt the homage being paid to him by his evil minions, check
- Call him a liar, watch him cry, check
- Constantly using Deace as a crutch, check

This is too easy...

And, rabble-rousing? Let's see...who constantly stirs the Hawkeye Nation pot? Jon Miller...

- His ridiculous homerism and man love for Jake Christensen was...scary
- His constant hype and overstating Moeaki's actual value and ability as an athlete
- His recent incessant unwillingness to believe that there was ANY possible way Iowa wouldn't go to the 2010 Fiesta Bowl

Just to name a few. Evil minions of Jon Miller Nation...repent, before it's too late.

Jon, you're projecting. These words reflect you.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More on Jon the Liar

First off, it's hilarious...Jon is so ridiculously hyper-sensitive about being called a liar that if you even breathe the word without calling him one he gets his panties in a bunch...let's see:

In the above post, Jon calls the OP on the carpet for calling him a liar, but what was really said?

per TOS. Heard he was on the radio show with Miller then when he got off, Jon proceded to call him a liar. Just wanted some clarification on this. I did not hear the radio program, just wanted to know what was really said.
 Oh, that makes sense, what the OP was relaying was the fact that he heard, per TOS, that Jon did this...and was simply looking for clarification.

Nice, Jon, you liar...oh wait, is there more Jon hypersensitivity on this subject? Let's see...

Here is supposedly the original link provided by another on of Jon's underling homers:

Jon states:

Cool. Some anonymous guy named Jeebus posted that, then later admitted that I didn't use the word liar. thanks for finding the link. End of story
 Um, Jon...first off, not even Jeebus called you a liar here is Jeebus' comment:

I heard Gautier on Jon Miller yesterday. Jon ended the interview and then proceeded to imply that Gautier was a liar.
Jon, you DO know what imply means? It means he didn't CALL you a means he took your obvious, well documented disagreement with Gautier's position being at all altruistic to mean that you're basically insinuating, implying or indirectly state that Gautier...which you DID.

Jon you lied about the original poster calling you a liar. You owe him an apology. You know how much you hate that.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Jon hates being called a liar, but basically calls Orange Bowl rep a liar

They took Iowa because of what Iowa can do for them. Part of their decision making process may have been the professed altruism but the percentage pales in comparison to bringing the team that could give them the best bang for the buck - The Prophet Jon Miller the First
Jon, here is the deal, when you tell someone their reasoning they provided you is wrong, you're in effect calling that person a liar. Not uttering the actual word only means you don't have the spine to actually man up and say it.

You were wrong about Iowa to the Fiesta. Why? Because you're an Iowa homer who didn't want to believe it and also because you know, thanks to Deace, that the primary motivation for bowls in revenue. You banked your entire Fiesta prediction on that...and it didn't pan out. Now another bowl offers logical reasoning that is laid out in their missions statement and you refuse to believe it.

This is where your arrogance does you in...again. I agree, Jon, money IS a factor, but who are you to basically throw the guy under the bus about the more altruistic reason? Can't that also be a large part of it? No, that's be to open-minded for you to accept...

Jon Miller predicts Kafka an NFL success?!

First off, I like Kafka...good QB, and should have got some love from the voting.

However, this is the kind of craptastic stuff Jon will throw out there that is just generic. What the hell does that even mean Jon? He will make an NFL roster or he can play at the next level? Clearly Jon said he can PLAY at the next, as a backup, as a starter? Yeah, this is one of those things where if Kafka were to succeed Jon comes back beating his chest about how he said this way back when.

Let's just note this...Kafka isn't going to be a career NFL guy, Jon...seriously...

Monday, December 7, 2009

The great Oracle Jon Miller projects Iowa to Fiesta Bowl

There is NO WAY that the Fiesta would take TCU and Boise State, right?! I mean, Jon even said so himself...therefore, it must be true., today ESPN is mis-reporting that TCU will be playing Boise State. Someone better correct them on that.

Maybe if we break out in song to a popular 80's tune the gods will be satisfied and put prophecy in place.

Inaugural Post

Welcome to the blog where I laugh at Jon Miller...and, at times, maybe other moronic personalities in the DSM AM sports talk show market.

Jon is just an easy target. His ridiculous 80's song lyrical catastrophes. His Squawkeye sports bias. His chest-beating about owning message board posters. It's endless...oh, and let's not forget the most important part: his constant "foot in mouth" moments.

Feel free to e-mail me anything that is blog-worthy...I don't listen EVERY morning, or I'd drive off a cliff. But I listen enough to laugh...and, most of the time cry, at his ridiculousness...

There will be an unlimited supply of lol-able material.